Pesticides are valuable to agriculture and for the protection of man and the environment from insects, rodents, weeds and other forms of life, which may be pests; but it is essential to public health and welfare that they be regulated to prevent adverse effects. Restricted pesticides are those which when applied in accordance with its directions for use, warnings and precaution and for the use for which it is registered, may generally cause without additional regulatory restrictions, unreasonable adverse effects on the environment, including injury to the applicator.
The Pesticides Control Authority (PCA) was established to enforce the Pesticides Act 1975. Included among its functions is the licensing of pest control operators. The Authority is responsible for making rules and regulations governing pest control operations in Jamaica, determining the categories for licensing, examining and recommending applicants for licensing. The law requires that each outlet from which restricted pesticides are distributed should be registered, and the sellers authorized by the Pesticides Control Authority (PCA). It shall be unlawful for any person to act in the capacity of a restricted pesticide dealer or advertise as or assume to act as a restricted use pesticide dealer at any time without first obtaining Authorization from the PCA. Restricted pesticides should only be sold to certified or licensed persons.
Certified operators are responsible for making and keeping record of each application of restricted pesticide that they have bought. Records are to be kept by certified applicators and sellers of pesticides, which allows for tracking the use and distribution of restricted pesticides in Jamaica. Records to be kept include, name of pesticide, type of formulation, amount applied, area covered, rate of dilution, date of application and address of site treated. All records must be kept for two (2) years and provided immediately if a health emergency exist.