Do you know how to choose a Pest Control Operator?
1. Check the PCA website or call the PCA Offices to confirm if the Operator is licenced
2. Check for the following:
- the 3-year validity of the business licence and applicator certification has not expired
- they have public liability insurance
- photographs for operator/business owner and applictor are affixed to licences and certificates
- the PCA Seal is imprinted on the licences/certificates
3. The Operator must provide the following:
- A physical inspection of the site in order to provide an assessment job to be done
- Type of chemicals to be used and how they work, particularly the effect on children, pets and the elderly.
- Information on the exact areas to be treated and procedure/method of treatment, eg. drilling, spraying or baiting. If fumigation is being suggested, be advised that it is a very specialised and dangerous treatment method. Ensure that the company is licenced for this work and has public liability insurance specifically for this
- State the warranty on the job in writing
- When there will be possible post inspection/follow-up treatment
- Information on re-entry period to ascertain when it is safe to return to area after treatment.
4. Get more than one quote (companies may provide this without cost). REMEMBER THE CHEAPEST IS NOT ALWAYS THE BEST!
5. DO YOUR RESEARCH! Try to get references from previous customers of the pest control company you wish to contact.
For clarification or for further information, please contact us via telephone at 7549306 & 4612808 in Kingston, 971-0054 in Montego Bay. |